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Hva gjør Forsvaret i borgerkrig?

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Hva gjør Forsvaret i borgerkrig? Dette usignerte innlegget ble skrevet av (diskusjon · bidrag) (Husk å signere dine innlegg!)

Godt spørsmål. Det finnes vel ikke noe fasitsvar på det, men bare historiske eksempler, slik som Den amerikanske borgerkrigen, hvor befal og soldater gikk til hver sin side, de forskjellige krigene i Jugoslavia (inkl. Annen verdenskrig, som på en måte var en borgerkrig der i landet, blant annet mellom Titos partisaner og tsjetnikene) eller [Den russiske borgerkrigen]] efter revolusjonen i 1917. Så det kan vel variere fra situasjon til situasjon, også med tanke på hvor demokratisk styrt landet er. Nå endte nellikrevolusjonen i Portugal heldigvis ikke i borgerkrig, men her gikk militæret ganske raskt over til opprørerne. Ofte blir jo også borgerkriger foranlediget av en eller annen form for kupp eller kuppforsøk. I dagens Venezuela står man potensielt overfor samme situasjon. Asav (diskusjon) 20. feb. 2019 kl. 23:27 (CET)

Is here anyone with experience with BIBSYS?

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I am from the german Wikipedia, so I do not speak your language :-(

I am wondering if the search for this Name "Huffman, John W" in BIBSYS finds just one person or two persons. According to the VIAF data it seems to be just one person. If I am correct, some person with contact to those librarians would be helpful. Maybe they could split the gynecologist from the chemist. This split could help us in deWP and wikidata to assign error-free data to the person(s). --Wurgl (diskusjon) 4. des. 2019 kl. 15:24 (CET)

@Wurgl: @Vidariv: may be able to help. Bibsys is maintained by NTNU I suppose @Kjersti Lie: may support you with contacts Breg Pmt (diskusjon) 4. des. 2019 kl. 16:45 (CET)
@Wurgl: I will try to help you with contacts tomorrow! Kjersti L. (diskusjon) 4. des. 2019 kl. 16:53 (CET)
The VIAF file must be at least two different persons. Gynecology of childhood and adolescence is clearly not written by a chemist. According to Levine, M. I., M.D. (1972). BIOGRAPHIES. Pediatric Annals, 1(1), 60-64 about John W. Huffman. M.D. «Dr. Huffman, born in Gowrie, Iowa, received his M.D. from Northwestern University in 1930. ... Dr. Huffman has taught in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University Medical School for over 30 years ... Dr. Huffman is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the only gynecologist to be so honored. .» The article does not give year of birth. Searching oria.no I find it probable that there are more than two persons in the library catalogues that are called John W. Huffman.--ツDyveldi☯ prat ✉ post 4. des. 2019 kl. 22:40 (CET)
The other one, en:John W. Huffman, was born in 1932. The "Deutsche Nationalbiliothek" has an entry for the chemist: http://d-nb.info/gnd/1200675622 (in Wikidata: d:Q651534) and one for the gynecologist: http://d-nb.info/gnd/1200676483 (Wikidata: d:Q66057069). --Wurgl (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 15:15 (CET)
I have now received an answer from the University Library here at NTNU in Trondheim. This is what my former colleague wrote: «Thank you for contacting us (that is for you, Wurgl!) Our cataloguing department has now created a separate name authority for the gynecologist and corrected the name authority for the chemist in the authority file, and connected the two records into their correct authority. The VIAF-record for the chemist is on the correct authority record for the chemist.» I hope this is what you wanted and needed? Kjersti L. (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 17:25 (CET)
Great! Thanks a lot! --Wurgl (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 17:27 (CET)
You're welcome, Wurgl! Kjersti L. (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 19:42 (CET)
Thanks a lot from me as well – could you maybe send two more conflated entries to the library?
  • BIBSYS 13031910, conflation between a religious scholar and a nationalist author (as in LCCN). I tried to contact BIBSYS in September but never got a response
  • BIBSYS 90182144, conflation between a variety of persons by the same name.
Thank you! --Emu (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 22:58 (CET)

 Kommentar @Emu: I have the same experience with Bibsys. They are never answering. I suppose they are obligated, as a public owned institution. Some monopoly both here and at NTNU Breg Pmt (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 23:13 (CET)

It’s not that uncommon though. I tried to contact the Library of Congress. It’s pointless. --Emu (diskusjon) 5. des. 2019 kl. 23:23 (CET)
We are happy to have excellent contacts to "Deutsche Nationalbiliothek", some of us may even fix some (not all!) records. VIAF does not answer to reports, but in many cases the data magically changes. With others I have no experiance. --Wurgl (diskusjon) 6. des. 2019 kl. 00:08 (CET)

@Kjersti Lie: Thanks a lot, it worked! There is now BIBSYS 1573630757987 for the gynecologist and BIBSYS 90144321 for the chemist. However, a book from the gynecologist seems to still be linked to the chemist. Could you maybe ask again? --Emu (diskusjon) 17. des. 2019 kl. 11:51 (CET)

Could you please give me the title of the book, Emu? Kjersti L. (diskusjon) 17. des. 2019 kl. 12:09 (CET)
@Kjersti Lie: Of course, it’s The gynecology of childhood and adolescence 1968. This book should belong to 1573630757987.
By the way: 90904090 mixes an engineer (b 1963, de:Ralf Kötter, On algebraic decoding of algebraic-geometric and cyclic codes 1996) with a parson (b 1961, Johannes Bugenhagens Rechtfertigungslehre und der römische Katholizismus : Studien zum Sendbrief an die Hamburger (1525) 1994 --Emu (diskusjon) 17. des. 2019 kl. 12:15 (CET)
I have forwarded your information to NTNU University Library. Kjersti L. (diskusjon) 17. des. 2019 kl. 12:31 (CET)