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Fotoinhibering er en lysindusert reduksjon i fotosyntesekapasiteten i planter, alger eller blågrønnbakterier. Fotosystem II (PSII) er mer sensitivt overfor lys enn resten av fotosynteseapparatet, og forskere brukere derfor ofte begrepet fotoinhibering om lysinduserte skader på fotosystem II. I levende organismer (in vivo forsøk), blir de skadde reaksjonssenterne i fotosystem II kontinuerlig repareret. Dette skjer ved at D1-proteinet i reaksjonssenteret brytes ned og nytt D1-protein syntetiseres. Det er tilgjengelig en rekke reviewartikler som omhandler fotoinhibering. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]


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  1. ^ Vass I & Cser K (2009). «Janus-faced charge recombinations in photosystem II photoinhibition». Trends in Plant Science. 14 (4): 200–205. 
  2. ^ Tyystjärvi E (2008). «Photoinhibition of Photosystem II and photodamage of the oxygen-evolving manganese cluster». Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 252 (3–4): 361–376. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2007.08.021. 
  3. ^ Krieger-Liszkay A, Fufezan C & Trebst A (2008). «Singlet oxygen production in photosystem II and related protection mechanism». Photosynthesis Research. 98 (1-3): 551–564. 
  4. ^ Takahashi S & Murata N (2008). «How do environmental stresses accelerate photoinhibition». Trends in Plant Science. 13 (4): 178–182. 
  5. ^ Mohanty P, Allakhverdiev SI & Murata N (2007). «Application of low temperatures during photoinhibition allows characterization of individual steps in photodamage and the repair of photosystem II». Photosynthesis Research. 94 (2-3): 217–224. 
  6. ^ Nishiyama Y, Allakhverdiev SI & Murata N (2006). «A new paradigm for the action of reactive oxygen species in the photoinhibition of photosystem II». Biophysica et Biochimica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1757 (7): 742–749. 
  7. ^ Telfer A (2005). «Too much light? How beta-carotene protects the photosystem II reaction centre». Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 4 (12): 950–956. 
  8. ^ Adir N, Zer H, Shochat S & Ohad I (2003). «Photoinhibition - a historical perspective». Photosynthesis Research. 76 (1-3): 343–370. 
  9. ^ Niyogi KK (1999). «Photoprotection revisited: Genetic and molecular approaches». Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology. 50: 333–359.